Little Mary Switchblade (she/her)
Bomb Squad Co-Captain
Co-Head Jeerleader
Oh, I’m sorry… Did I get you in the face that time?
Likes: Sharp pointy things. Sleeping in. Solar eclipses. Kicking. Screaming. Cookies.
Dislikes: Sunshine. Tinkly piano music. Heaven’s Gate. Things that are not sharp or pointy.
Bio: Little Mary Switchblade was the worst ballerina in 3rd grade and is much happier now that “dance class” involves 10000% more kicking and screaming. Switchblade joined the Jeerleaders in 2009 and now co-captains the Brooklyn Bomb Squad, co-heads the Gotham Jeerleaders with Intrustive Thot and is on the GRD board of directors.