Miss Andry

Miss Andry (they/them)

Brooklyn Bomb Squad Co-Captian

I just want some recognition for having good tits and a big heart.

Likes: Indian food, theme park history, butches (text me 😘), vintage glassware, multi-hour video essays, music that sounds like an angry gay forest fairy made it
Dislikes: Unexpected phone calls, the gender binary, purging the craft stash, when anyone tries to make musicals gritty and realistic

Bio: The summer Miss Andry was 11, they tried to write a rock musical about Joan of Arc, but only got as far as a document full of terrible lyric fragments and a really cool PowerPoint presentation. Nowadays, they’re an educator who’s passionate about access for disabled folks and creating spaces for queer and trans young people. They spend their free time crafting, meeting cats, and inundating their friends with TikToks.