We’ve been featured on SI.com once again! Go Jailhouse Rockettes, Backseat Betties, and the GGRD! http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0911/gotham.girls.roller.derby/content.6.html
Congratulations to the Bronx Gridlock who defeated the Manhattan Mayhem at last night’s GGRD season championship! It was a super close, well fought game. Congrats to MVPS Polly Gone and Ginger Snap. And, in celeb stalking news… Chevy Chase right in the VIP zone… had many the skater crash into […]
Sadly, Gotham’s All-Star team fell to the Oly Rollers from Olympia in the second round of the WFTDA Championship (136-105). But, the Oly Roller ladies went on to take #1 overall. It’s not so bad to lose to the eventual overall winner. And Gotham really held their own against them. […]
Getting into the Halloween spirit for the Halloween Adventure costume contest at the 10/24/09 bout: Top Row: Shank the Skank, Little Mary Switchblade, Kat Kadillac, Feara Lynn, Sandra Day O’Bomber Bottom: Fifi Fleshwound, Heiss Cold Killa’
We made it to Sports Illustrated! No, not the swimsuit issue, but their website has photos of our Bollywood style half time routine (and other bits of bout action) from the Brooklyn / Queens game last weekend posted. Take a peak: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/0909/roller.derby/content.9.html Our ladies are looking good! That’s Kimmy Danger […]